Our mobile-enabled, self-service package pick up is secure and quick. And Amazon Prime members can receive Free Same-Day Pickup for orders placed by noon and Free One-Day Pickup for orders placed by 10AM. For shoppers who aren’t in a hurry, the space also features interactive media pods where customers can hang out, listen to music, play video games, and connect their laptops and mobile devices to TV monitors for brainstorming, studying, and collaborating.
IMPORTANT NOTE: When you order items for delivery to Amazon@Penn, please select the HUB Location as your preferred shipping address. Entering a manual address for the Hub location may result in packages being delivered to the wrong location. To add Amazon@Penn as a preferred shipping location, you can click here and add Pickup and Returns at Penn as a shipping location in your address book.

3800 Locust Walk
Class of 1920 Commons
Philadelphia, PA 19104
Saturday-Sunday, 9am-7pm